Leverage a custom approach to lighting to distinguish from competition

No doubt you have seen proposals from competitors that lack creativity, use the same fixture selection for multiple applications, and smack of a “cookie-cutter” approach to design. Take advantage of this type of selling approach by leveraging a custom approach to your design plans and show clients the difference between mundane lighting and impressive lighting.
P.M. Lighting products are designed for a custom design approach, with unique fixtures for different applications and various mounting options, stake lengths, and lamp styles to truly customize a client’s design. Take for example, wall wash applications. Instead of always using Well Lights or MR16 Bullets to light the front of a home, our PM1 Directional Light can add a combination of style, beauty, and texture when used in certain circumstances. The river birch in the picture below provides an excellent opportunity use the PM1 to cast beautiful shadow effects onto the house instead of placing traditional Well Lights along the wall behind the tree.
As you can see, the PM1 casts light through the tree onto the house, all the way into the peak of the wall. Another benefit to the client is that this application requires only one fixture instead of two or three, which may provide a competitive advantage from a total system cost as well.
Other excellent fixtures to consider to incorporate into your custom designs include our PM5 Series and PM12 Series directional lights. When looking for creative ways to illuminate small trees, garden accents, dormers, or hard-to-light roof peaks, these fixtures may very well provide that extra custom touch.
If given the choice, clients prefer to buy a product custom designed specifically for them over one that is just “more of the same” so take advantage of this opportunity and give your clients what they want.